Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I am so proud

TJ has been working very hard the past couple of months applying for the Masters program at ASU. Studying for the GMAT, obtaining letters of recommendation, updating his resume, writing essays... luckily it all paid off. Yesterday afternoon he got a phone call welcoming him to the program starting in the fall. I listened to the message first and I got teary eyed when I heard it (blame it on the pregnancy). He put so much work into it I am glad it paid off. Now I have to get used to having a husband in school- fun for me!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to TJ! Abby was born while John was working on his masters, working full time and doing shows. You can do it, it is just a lot of juggling around and a new adventure. How esciting though. I miss you.

Theurer Family said...

Congratulations to T.J.! That is awesome. Not to worry, Lauren, you can now join my Single Wives Club!

aubry startin said...

Very impressive! I am so glad that means you guys will be sticking around here for a while

Stephanie said...

Way to go TJ! I am happy for you guys. It will be busy, but well worth it. The single wives club is fun...maybe you can be secretary/treasurer.

Brandis said...

congrats! masters degrees are a lot of work (for the wifey too), obviously, but it's such a huge accomplishment & so exciting when it's done. I was more excited when Donny finished his master's than I was when I got my own degree. :) he's not in school anymore but he's still gone a lot so can I be in the single wives club too? :)

Drew and Tarah said...

Good job TJ!!! I am so excited for you guys! That is awesome! Tell him congrats for me!!!

Megan said...

sweet deal tj! congrats - that is fabulous! SUNDEVIL PRIDE!

Amber Marie said...

Congrads! That is a great accomplishment. Time for pictures of that bump!